French Residencies
Parc du Bagatelle
Paris, France; video in French with English subtitles Spring/Summer 2019
‘Les Jardins d’Ici et Ailleurs’ with Jean-Philippe Teyssieur
(14:40-17:32)La Mortella Garden on the island of Ischia, Italy 2018
ARTE Television – France/Germany
Domaine du Rayol
France, 2012/2013
Gianne a su s’immerger dans le jardin avec beaucoup d’élégance et de respect pour les lieux. Sa relation avec les jardiniers et l’ensemble de l’équipe du Domaine nous a permis d’apprécier ses qualités humaines et sa grande sensibilité artistique. Son passage reste pour les équipes un souvenir privilégié. Le travail de Gianne qui a été exposé durant tout l’hiver et vu par plus de 25 000 visiteurs a suscité beaucoup d’enthousiasme et d’avis flatteur. La lecture artistique du jardin à travers les peintures de Gianne offrait un complément d’émotion très apprécié des visiteurs.
Italian Residencies
Italian television: Rai I; ‘Sereno Variabile’
Ischia, June, 2017
Ninfa Gardens
Italy, 2016
In a happy reminder of the old days of Caetani cultural hospitality, Californian artist Gianne de Genevraye, who specializes in gardens, spent two months painting at Ninfa in autumn 2016, immersing herself in the garden’s seasonal and visual challenges and braving the elements. She has an impressive track record of garden painting, with exhibitions and residencies in the United States and across Europe. Among her residencies in Italy have been the American Academy in Rome, Villa Hanbury (La Mortola), and La Mortella in Ischia. When I first saw Gianne’s paintings, it struck me that her tonal delicacy was reminiscent of Lelia Caetani’s work. The style, evidently, is more modern, impressionistic and intuitive, but it is the product of well-attuned skills and thoughtful preparation.
La Mortella Gardens, Italy
Two residencies; Spring 2015 and fall 2017
Gianne gira per il mondo dipingendo all’aria aperta, spostandosi nei più bei giardini mediterranei, che le offrono straordinaria ispirazione et le permettono anche di approfondire diverse tematiche legate alla natura, ai suoi colori, all’acqua. Le sue grandi tele, dipinte con tecniche antiche, sono ariose, piene di luce e vibranti, con uno stile che da vicino appare quasi astratto ma che acquista precisi connotati come un quadro impressionista, se i quadri sono ammirati da lontano.
Anna Fill Interview
Hanbury Garden
Italy, 2014
United States Residencies/Classes
Newport Beach Cable TV: Conference at the Newport Center Library for exhibition Newport Beach Sister Cities Association
Newport Beach Sister Cities Association, 2019
Laguna Sister Cities Association
Laguna Beach, CA 2016
Negative Space Lecture
San Clemente, CA 2015
Radio interview, KX95.5 with Tyler Russell
May 1, 2013
‘The Medium and the Message‘
San Clemente Journal, CA 2013
I have followed Gianne’s career path for all of these years through our personal contact and can attest to her commitment to creativity in visual art, and to her evolution in her approach to her artwork. She has a contemporary vision, albeit founded in classic rendering of landscape. Gianne is a strong painter, always exploring new imagery through form, structure and color in her paintings. I know that she is highly productive, in both her various residencies (I believe over 15 in the past 8 years), and in the quantity of paintings she produces (approx. 30 per year.)