Municipal Gardens of Menton
Menton, France
This is a very ambitious project to paint at least 3 paintings in each of the four municiapl gardens of the City of Menton on the French Riviera, just before the Italian border. This city is famous for its citrus gardens and gardens created by the English that wintered there in the 19th century. Menton, the "Pearl of France" boasts the most days of sunshine in France.
I will be painting at the Serre de la Madone (where they have generously given the hot house as my studio space), at the Palais Carnolès Garden that is the botanical home to a "citrus bank" unique in the world, Rosa Fontana Garden, and Maria Serena Garden. Menton, France is Sister Cities with Laguna Beach, California, where I am also in residency for 2015, with that exposition planned for beginning of April to end of May. I am in negociations for an international joint exhibition with paintings from the two cities......