Day Lilies and Pond at Bagatelle
89cm x 130cm / 35in x 51in
Oil on Linen
The two head gardeners came to my studio to look at my work towards the end of my residency and commented that not all of the garden had been represented. I was missing the farthest part of the garden on the north side beyond the château where there is a romantic pond and grotto and water fall. This is one of my favorite parts of the garden, intimate with a more rustic landscape. It was also an opportunity for me to paint a water subject in one of the paintings and depict a lesser visited part of the park. The result is a large piece with several perspectives; the orange daylilies in the foreground amongst the water lilies and reeds, a middle ground painted with a loose impression of blue water reflections, and finally the background of the pond in a harmonious palette of orange and yellow greens.